Shadow Wyvern Info

Shadow Wyvern

Spawn Location: Elemental Chamber (Aberration). 

Taming Method: They are immune to Torpor in first hand. To tame it, you must first drop its HP to below 30%. When that happens a Red Cloud will radiate around it, indicating that it's no longer torpor immune, so you can Tranquilize KO it and feed tame it. But be aware that his torpor decreases at an alarming rate. 

Breeding Method: Egg (baby Shadow Wyverns will only eat Nameless Venom). 

Extras: Wild Wyverns will never change Element, but when tamed it will be able to change its Element State, see below Elemental State tab for mode info. Nameless Venom will spoil extremely slower in its inventory. After tamed it will have Natural Armor, it’s Natural Armor works exactly like ShadowMane one, except it will vary from 25 to 150 Armor Rate. When in Dark State, it will have access to a new attack and an exclusive buff. Sometimes it will defecate BioToxin. Also he is immune to all Vanilla Wyverns Elemental Breaths, as well as his own.

Elemental State: Shadow Wyvern, when tamed, can change elements when pressing the X (LB Gamepad) button. In each element it’s Elemental Breath will change according to the current element. Below is details on how to identify the current element it is: Dark Fire: A Black Flame Mane will appear, as well as Black Flames in its tail. Dark Lightning: Black Lightning will emanate from its body. Dark Poison: A Black Mist will emanate from its mouth. Dark Ice: Darker Mist Clouds will emanate from its wings. 

Dark State: When a tamed Shadow Wyvern has its HP below 50% it will enter Dark State. While in this state Shadow Wyvern will gain access to his Special Attack Dark Meteor. This attack is a combination between Dark Fire and Dark Lightning, its damage is extremely high, but be aware that if in range the Wyvern can also receive damage from its own attack. While in Dark State the Shadow Wyvern can also gain a bugg that it will recover HP at an alarming rate and will instantly recover stamina (except while flying). To identify if Shadow Wyvern is in Dark State is simple, a Black Mist will emanate from its body. But be aware it only lasts for 5 minutes and can be used only once per hour.


Left-Click/Right Trigger (Gamepad): Bite;
Right-Click/Left Trigger (Gamepad): All Elemental Breaths;
C/Right Stick Toggle (Gamepad): Wing Flap (Ground), Grab (Air)*;
X/LB (Gamepad): State Change;
Left-Ctrl/D-Pad Up (Gamepad): Black Meteor (must be in Dark Mode to use).

*: Can Grab up to Mammoth/Allosaurus.





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