Tundra Phoenix Info

 Tundra Phoenix

Spawn Location: Snow Biomes in various maps;

Taming Method: You need to kill one wild Tundra Phoenix for it to drop it's Ashes. With their Ashes in hands, you will need to freeze it (Egg Incubator can also incubate it) until the Phoenix can re-rise, but be aware that it will require a extremelly low temperature for it to reborn.

Breeding: Ashes. Kill your Tundra Phoenix (wild or tamed) and use it's ashes, it has a chance to gain 1 or 2 mutation upon re-rising.

Extras: They are different from the normal and Crimson Phoenix. They use Ice based Attacks, also it's inventory can be used to conserve spoilable itens with the same efficiency as a Refrigerator (100x spoiling time), but they can also conserve Nameless Venom, Wyvern Milk, Ambergriss and LeechBlood. While riding the Tundra Phoenix increase the Rider Health Regen Rate and Hyperthermic Insulation.


Left-Click/Right Trigger (Gamepad): Bite;
Right-Click/Left Trigger (Gamepad): Super Ice Breath;
C/Right Stick Toggle (Gamepad): Claw Attack (harvest most resources);
X/LB (Gamepad): Stalactites Rain (can one hit kill a High Level Rex, but has bad accuracy, can only be used while flying and has 30 seconds cooldown).



