Bright Crystal Wyvern Info

 Bright Crystal Wyvern

Spawn Location: Genesis Part 1 and Part 2 Space Biome. 

Taming Method: Normal tranquilize KO. But be aware that his torpor decreases at an alarming rate. 

Breeding Method: Egg (baby Bright Crystal Wyverns will only eat Primal Crystal, Crystal or Element).

Extras: Bright Crystal Wyvern has Natural Armor (like Shadowmane one) varying from 25 to 200 Armor Rate. It can use all Crystal Wyvern Elemental Breaths, and also is immune to them. It gains Hydratation Buff when touching water (like Tropical Crystal Wyvern). It can do a pseudo-dive, as it will only fall at a higher speed, but will not maintain its speed while ascending. His Bite Attack can harvest most resources. Its inventory has 70% weight reduction to Crystal. 


Left-Click/Right Trigger (Gamepad): Bite;
Right-Click/Left Trigger (Gamepad): BloodBreath;
C/Right Stick Toggle (Gamepad): Wing Flap (Ground), Grab (Air);
X/LB (Gamepad): Ember Breath;
Q/Up D-Pad (Gamepad): Water Breath.





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